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College Scholarships November 25, 2008

Posted by bangzenk in Pelontar.
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Beasiswa kuliah di luar negeri adalah barang lama yang selalu baru. Sejak jamannya beasiswa BPPT atau kini dengan beasiswa unggulan dari DIKTI, pencarian scholarships secara online dan offline selalu membludak.

College scholarships yang merupakan paling dicari. Mengingat peminat kuliah di jenjang Sarjana masih lebih banyak dibandingkan program Master. Namun, perlu diketahui bahwa penyedia beasiswa program pascasarjana ternyata lebih banyak dari program sarjana.

Pencarian informasi Beasiswa pada program nursing scholarships merupakan yang paling populer di luar negeri. Berikutnya adalah scholarships for women. Berbeda dengan di Indonesia, pencarian yang populer adalah beasiswa kuliah di Amerika. Atawa Fulbright Scholarships.

Jika pembaca merupakan pemburu beasiswa sejati, silakan mulai sekarang mempersiapkan diri. Karena mimpi-mimpi kita hari ini akan menjadi kenyataan esok. Percayalah!!!

Lebih jauh dalam rangka apply for scholarships silakan kunjungi scholarships for college.

Selamat, 200 Siswa Masuk Nominasi “ITB untuk Semua”! Mei 28, 2009

Posted by bangzenk in Dalam Negeri, S1.
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Senin, 18 Mei 2009 | 18:19 WIB
Laporan wartawan KOMPAS Yulvianus Harjono

BANDUNG, KOMPAS.com — Sebanyak 200 siswa dari berbagai daerah Indonesia terpilih sebagai nominator peraih “ITB untuk Semua”. Program terobosan beasiswa penuh yang digalang para alumni ITB tersebut untuk menjaring calon mahasiswa kurang mampu dari berbagai penjuru Nusantara.

Betti Alisjahbana, Ketua Penyelenggara Program “ITB untuk Semua”, mengatakan, sebagian dari 200 nominator tersebut berasal dari luar Pulau Jawa. Tidak sedikit di antara nominator berasal dari daerah terpencil di Kalimantan dan Papua.

Betti menambahkan, ke-200 siswa tersebut dipilih dari 3.170 pendaftar. Selanjutnya, mereka yang telah masuk nominasi akan diikutsertakan pada tes Ujian Saringan Masuk (USM) Terpusat ITB pada awal Juni mendatang.

“Bagi orang tidak mampu, menempuh perguruan tinggi masih susah. Ini menjadi mata rantai kemiskinan, orangtua, anak, dan cucu, miskin terus. Jangankan untuk kuliah, ikut tes saja mereka tidak terpikirkan. Nah, lewat program ini kami ingin memutus mata rantai itu,” ujar mantan Presiden Direktur PT IBM Indonesia, yang kini beralih mendirikan bisnis mandiri QB Creative.

Di dalam situs resminya, program tersebut berbentuk beasiswa penuh bagi mahasiswa dengan nilai bantuan mencapai Rp 100 juta per orang selama lima tahun masa kuliah. “Beasiswa menyangkut semuanya, ya biaya kuliah dan biaya hidup. Tinggal kuliah dan berkarya,” ucap mantan calon Ketua Ikatan Alumni ITB ini. Setelah lulus, para penerima program ini diharapkan pulang dan menjadi agen perubahan di daerah asal masing-masing.

Program yang baru diadakan pada 2009 ini didanai dari berbagai pihak, khususnya para alumni ITB. “Kami pun membuka sumbangan, perusahaan yang berminat silakan saja,” ucapnya, kemudian.

Sosialisasi program telah dilakukan selama beberapa bulan terakhir dengan melibatkan para alumni ITB hingga komunitas-komunitas guru. Mereka yang berhak ikut serta adalah anak dari keluarga yang berpenghasilan di bawah upah minium regional (UMR).

Secara terpisah, Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik ITB Adang Surahman mengungkapkan, ITB tidak menentukan kuota mahasiswa yang akan diterima dari program “ITB untuk Semua”. “Tergantung dari hasil seleksi, mereka harus tetap memenuhi syarat,” ucapnya.

Namun, Adang meyakini, setidaknya 15 persen dari mereka akan lolos diterima menjadi mahasiswa ITB. Sebelumnya, Betti berharap, kuota yang akan diterima dari program ini setidaknya mencapai 50 orang.

Jalur Pendakian Semeru Disurvei Mei 28, 2009

Posted by bangzenk in Lain-lain.
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Kamis, 28 Mei 2009 | 12:12 WIB Laporan wartawan KOMPAS FX. Laksana Agung S PROBOLINGGO, KOMPAS.com — Tim gabungan dari Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru dan tim SAR Kabupaten Lumajang menyurvei jalur pendakian Gunung Semeru (3.676 mdpl), Kamis (28/5). Tim yang terdiri atas 10 orang tersebut berangkat dari Ranu Pani pagi hari. Menurut Kepala Bidang Pengelolaan Balai Besar Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TN-BTS) Wilayah II Anggoro Dwi Sujiarto, survei akan dilakukan sampai dengan pos Kalimati. Waktu yang diperlukan diperkirakan tiga hari. “Survei dilakukan untuk membuka jalur pendakian ke puncak semeru. Jadi, sewaktu-waktu status pendakian dibuka kembali, jalur sudah siap,” kata Anggoro. Sejak statusnya naik dari waspada menjadi siaga per 6 Maret, TN-BTS menetapkan jalur pendakian ditutup.

various types of health insurance Mei 28, 2009

Posted by bangzenk in Health Insurance.
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Healthcareinsurance.me offers information on various types of health insurance is a requirement. Health insurance is like steel for the soldiers. This is the need to consider the needs.

With insurance, we prepare a protection plan to cover your medical care when we are sick, or the like. Especially in the midst of current difficulties in the health care of the more expensive, both planned for the anticipation is very important. Information for each can help you determine the type of health insurance and you have to get the best for you. Each has its own different types of coverage, costs, benefits, and also stated in each individual that can benefit plans such as.

Typically, most people do not think about it but when it takes only one to help them realize how important and that. Pay all medical bills in our own stressful enough but if we have a health insurance policy we will be protected against financial disaster.

Healthcareinsurance.me is the site where you can get information on various types of health insurance. We will not worry about any sudden fall of our health that can occur unexpectedly at any time. In actual fact, is the basis of all the people and concerns that millions of people will want to keep the United States on health insurance, especially in the economy at this time?

Fast Cash Payday Loans Are A Legal And Genuine Loan Maret 4, 2009

Posted by bangzenk in Cash Advance.
Have you ever faced a situation where there was no money in the bank to pay a very urgent bill? Maybe you used up all your pay for the month on a party, to buy clothes and completely forgot about the bill. Suddenly in the middle of the month, you receive a notice saying the last date is due day after tomorrow. You are worried, how will you manage that amount. You have no one to ask for money and no security to get a loan. Even a loan will not be available within 24 hours to solve your problem. Well relax and sit back and read this- There is one such loan which offers cash within 24 hours of applying. The answer to whether it needs security is also no. Now the thought is, is this type of loan genuine and legal? Well yes, fast cash payday loans are a legal and genuine loan. This loan provides borrowers with cash at request within 24 hours of applying for the loan and makes life simpler and worry free.

The Cash Loan Without Credit Checks Maret 4, 2009

Posted by bangzenk in Cash Advance.
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Check into cash does make a brief check on new clients with a risk assessment service. That’s because the company doesn’t want to enable someone already in trouble with a similar lender to fall further into the hole. The cash loan without credit checks serve only to help for a short time and aren’t meant to be rolled over repeatedly to bring in more interest income for the lender. Unfortunately some payday loan businesses think of themselves rather than their clients. They keep their eyes on their own bottom line. Of course businesses need to remain profitable in order to survive but that doesn’t mean that it’s okay to gouge their customers and clients. With these helpful cash loans and no credit check, borrowers exercise financial responsibility by avoiding outlandish fees for a necessary service.

Good Love Relationships Enhancements Februari 12, 2009

Posted by bangzenk in Niche.
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The boy meets the girl, and they live fortunately always then. It is how the love relationships enter fairy tales. In the real life, it is more difficult to come close and to keep increasingly harder love relationships. People are different. Two individuals do not like exactly the same things and dream of the same dreams. Physical attraction is what brings together two people initially; that applies to many people.

In this case, in the real process to end up knowing, the couples make some errors and achievements. In the final analysis, only attraction does not cut it. In time, attraction will fade. The attributes of medical examination which you find irresistible in one the other will lose their charm and magic. If you do not love the person under the medical examination compose, then there is no manner that the love relationships will function.

There are several factors for a positive ratio. Initially, there must be love, naturally. This love must all surround. It doesn’t means you will accept without any doubt even if the other person wounds you; it means that you must love the person not only because of what him or she resembles and of what him or she have but thus because you love the person who him or she is. You must also have enough respect and of consideration at the other person.

Confidence is also a key factor. If you do not consider in the capacity as you’re associate to make decisions and if you made not confidence with enough in your love relationships, then you have troubles. Learn how to speak outside about the problems. Open. Establish the folds and learn how to like even the straws.